Antenor Barbosa Calandrini de Azevedo

Title: Behavior of eccentric phase speed on subsequent concentric action performance in young and elderly women

Supervisor: Victor Silveira Coswig

Co-supervisor: Eduardo Macedo Penna


Cássio Zacarias Lopes de Lima

Title: Mental fatigue alters the subjective perception of effort, but does not impair the reponse time of soccer refereers during a simulated physical task

Supervisor: Eduardo Macedo Penna


Luana Karine Resende Oliveira

Title: Use of an accelerometer to assess anticipatory postural adjustments during stepping in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Supervisor: Bianca Callegari


Rayra Khalinka Neves Dias

Title: Minimum-dose resistance training increases strength without altering cardiac autonomic modulation, hemodynamic function and functional capacity in menopausal women: a randomized clinical trial

Supervisor:  Victor Silveira Coswig