Places will be offered for special students in elective courses at the PPGCMH during the second semester of 2022.

Registration as special student is for the course only and does not imply a regular relation with the Program. Up to 5 (five) places will be offered in each elective course, and special student are not allowed to take more than one course during the period.

The Organizing Comitee of the Selective Process 01/2022 for the academic Master's Degree in Human Movement Sciences publishes the final result of the Call for Application 01/2022.

To see the final list of approved candidates, click here


Errata: the correct last name of the candidate Jorge is Monteiro instead of Monteuro

The Comitee of accreditation of teachers of the Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH) met on July 5, 2022 to analyze the request for accreditation. There was only one request, from Prof. Dr. Suellen Alessandra de Moraes (FFTO/ICS), whose regristration was approved.

After the approval, the comitee proceeded to the analysis of the documentation presented. It was verified that the teacher met all the requirement of the call for application and thus the comitee prepared a favorabe opinion recommending the accreditation of the teacher as Tenured Professor for the research line Functional Evaluation and Rehabilitation.

The opinion was approved at the ordinary meeting of the PPGCMH, held on the same date. Thus, Prof. Dr. Suellen Alessandra de Moraes joined the Faculty of the PPGCMH as from the approval of the opinion